Welcome/ Gathering prayer/ A call to worship.
StF 363 My Jesus my Saviour chosen by Chuen
A prayer of Thanks giving, confession and assurance of forgiveness
A prayer for the children as they leave for their activities
Bible reading from Philippians Ch 4 v 6 to 7 - Chuen
follow by a Talk on the theme 'Close to God' and 'Journey of Faith'
StF 20 Be Still chosen by Eddie and Sonia with reason why after
Testimony of Faith - Eddie
Noleen to share an inspiring spiritual experience
Talk/testimony - Alec
StF 610 Best of all is God is with us -chosen by Alec
Bible reading from Jeremiah Ch 29 v 11 to 13 - Eddie with reason why
Christian Acronyms that will inspire and help us
Prayer of Intercession follow by the Lord's Prayer
Offertory follow by a prayer
Closing hymn StF 548 Blessed Assurance chosen by Chuen
Dismissal / closing prayer