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Cleckheaton Methodist Church

Sunday 12th April— Easter Sunday

Words from the cross

“It is finished”

(John 19:30)


Christ’s final words from the cross tell us that his task was complete.

His death, as the Shepherd who laid down his life for his sheep, opened the gates to God’s kingdom. Jesus is the Way to that Kingdom; the conduit between earth and heaven.

His resurrection blew the gates off their hinges! Because now, heaven had come back to earth and God’s Kingdom had begun! Never again will those gates be shut. The channel is open, the Kingdom is here, NOW.

God has a task for each and every one of us; he has made us for that purpose.

What is your task? Have you done it? Is it finished—or haven’t you even started?

If your not sure what your purpose is, ask him! Pray—and be ready for his response; be ready to be affirmed, be ready to be challenged and be ready to be surprised!

Easter’s resurrection joy puts us right into God’s Kingdom, here and now. We are the

front line staff, the key workers here. On 26th March, many of us stood on our door steps in a gesture of support for the frontline staff in the coronavirus crisis. We are in admiration of their commitment, their skills and of their service above self. Now is the dawn of a new heaven on earth; let us be as committed, let us recognise and use the skills we have been given, and let us be as prepared to put others before ourselves as we take up our cross with

Christ. Let’s follow his example to be Kingdom builders here on earth.

One day, we will be part of the chorus which says, “It is finished!”


  • Celebrate the JOY of Easter—be inventive in these difficult times. What can you do to show that today is special?

  • Wish as many people as you can a ‘Happy Easter’ - stand at your door and greet those taking their exercise, put a poster in your window (haven’t got one? - make one!) , post on social media, etc • Let the world know that God’s Kingdom is here and that, through Christ’s death and resurrection, the gates are forever open and we are all invited to join in.

See, what a morning, gloriously bright,

With the dawning of hope in Jerusalem;

Folded the gravestones, tomb filled with light, As the angels announce Christ is risen!

See God’s salvation plan,

Wrought in love, borne in pain, paid in sacrifice,

Fulfilled in Christ, the Man,

For he live: Christ is risen from the dead!!

Stuart Townend and Keith Getty


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