A short act of worship for use in people’s homes while churches are closed.
Here we are Lord, we have come –we have come in body, mind and spirit, to worship you this day, even if we are worshipping in a different way from our usual Sunday.
We have come, needy, hopeful, tired, joyful, broken and optimistic. However we have come, we have come to meet with you.
We have come, Come Lord Jesus. Amen [1]
370 STF – Breathe on me, Breath of God (listen at https://youtu.be/_kmFm48Kloc)
God our provider, we look to you for rest and seek after you today.
May you refresh and renew us by your Spirit of power and inspiration. We place our
trust wholly in you and ask that you might light the path before us.
Lead us Lord during this time of worship. Guide your church so that we might trust in
your guidance and wisdom.
For the times of struggle we have faced this week and even this day we rely on your
presence to dwell deep inside of us. For those that are facing those struggles today,
we ask that you might be present for them today.
Nourish and enrich our souls in worship this day.
Might heaven touch earth as we see an overflow of your grace.
Give us eyes to see you Lord,
Give us ears open to hear from you, and give us hearts open to receive from you,
In Jesus’ name, Amen [2]
Bible reading: 1 Peter 3:4
You should clothe yourselves instead with beauty that comes from within, the unfading
beauty of a gentle and quiet spirit, which is so precious to God.
A Reflection for Mothering Sunday
When my children were babies, people would say things like;
‘Cherish every moment, they grow up so quickly’
And I would find it hard to cherish the broken nights, the dirty nappies, the cracked
nipples, and conversations about weaning and potty training.
But everyone who held a door open for me, helped me on the bus, paid me a compliment, encouraged me and uplifted me has been part of my mothering. It is hard work being a mother - the toll it takes on our bodies, the worry about our children’s health, development, education, friendships, faith. But you loving God, are with us in our mothering and our being mothered. You are with all mothers who give birth alone, scared, hungry, in prison or in a refugee camp. You are with all who miss their mothers, all who find relationships with their mothers difficult, and all those who are separated from their mothers.
You knitted us together in our mother’s womb, writes the Psalmist. From the casting on of our being, our utter dependence on our own mothers and as our independence has increased your care for us has never wavered.
You have watched us take our first steps on our own, follow our own paths, celebrated our successes and cried at our disappointments. Like awkward teenagers we have shouted at you, ignored you, challenged your advice and help, but you have never stopped loving us.
So, on this Mothering Sunday, whether we are mothers ourselves or not, whether we have the opportunity to celebrate with our own mothers or not; we allow ourselves to be surrounded by your love, the mothering God who cares, nurtures, feeds and loves us and we say thank you [3]
Hymn 440 STF – Amazing Grace – how sweet the sound (listen at https://youtu.be/21G3JMYwAiA)
Prayers of Intercession and Blessing
In these uncertain times, dear Lord, we pray for peace.
We hold before you all those who are putting others before themselves.
We pray for those who are worried about their financial situation, not knowing how they will cope in the coming weeks.
We pray for the people and situations close to our heart…
We hold before you the governments and leaders of the world, those making many difficult decisions…
So in these uncertain times may we reach out to support each other, our families, our
friends, our neighbours.
May we speak using words of grace and comfort.
May we reflect your love for all of creation
And may we be a reassurance and a blessing to all we speak to this week.
And may the blessing of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit be with you this day and forever more. Amen [4]
1 Prayers by Tim Baker
2 Opening prayers written by Matthew Forsyth
3 Mothering Sunday reflection by Christine Dutton
4 Intercessions and blessing Wayne Grewcock
The Vine at Home compiled and produced by twelvebaskets
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