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Cleckheaton Methodist Church

Lent Week 3

Today we have placed Jesus at the back of the church, beside an upside down collection plate as a reminder of the cleansing of the Temple. There was nothing wrong with changing money, or selling animals. They were needed by ordinary people to fulfil their religious obligations. What was wrong was the motive had changed. The selling had become more a way of making a profit rather than an aid to worshipping God. This challenges us to think about what is important to us when we come to worship God on a Sunday and during our daily lives.

Lord, when our minds are filled with the things of this world, including money, and bills and tax returns, help us to remember the price you paid for the salvation of this world. Fix our minds on what matters most. Focus our minds on you and your kingdom.

Lord, when we get caught up in religious ritual rather than remembering our relationship with you, help us to remember all that is represented in this act of worship. Fix our minds on what matters most. Focus our minds on you and your kingdom.

Lord, when we are more worried about what others think about us rather than how we stand before you, help us to see ourselves as you see us and become what you would have us be. Fix our minds on what matters most. Focus our minds on you and your kingdom. Amen.

(from Roots Worship March/April 2006)

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